American chemist co-discovered promethium

50th Anniversary: Death of Charles D. Coryell

Fairness and Equality in Research
Nicola Gaston, the author of Why Science Is Sexist, talks about why getting equity right from first-principles is so important

ChemistryViews Wishes Happy Easter
A bit of reading and guessing material for the Easter holidays and experiments that can easily be done in the kitchen with children

150th Anniversary: Death of Christian Friedrich Schönbein
German-Swiss chemist discovered guncotton and ozone and co-invented the fuel cell

The Air that I Breathe – Part 1
Chemistry of indoor air is a relatively new, diverse and interdisciplinary field surrounding us every day

50th Anniversary: Death of Richard Kuhn
Chemistry Nobel Laureate in 1938 for his work on carotenoids and vitamins

150th Birthday: Daniel Vorländer
German chemist and liquid crystal pioneer

Physical Chemists Run on Coffee
Peter Gilch, University of Düsseldorf, talks about his research group, their eye-catching website, and his research

100th Birthday: Ines Mandl
Eminent female biochemist discovered collagenase

Quantum Physics, Philosophy, and Understanding Our World
What does quantum physics mean for our understanding of the world? For the general public, the scientist, the philosopher