The Marie Curie pavillon has been saved from demolition, but are the new plans a final decision? Many hope not

What Will Happen with the Marie Curie Pavillon des Sources in Paris?

1️⃣2️⃣Who Was the First to Synthesize Insulin?
Check out the answer to today's entry in the Chemistry Advent Calendar: Guess the Houses and Molecules—discover who synthesized iconic molecules 🧪

ChemistryViews Discoveries (05/2024)
Highlights from the chemistry community, with a special focus on Europe

350th Birthday: Johann Konrad Dippel
German alchemist co-developed a process for the production of Prussian blue

Significant Milestones in Chemistry: A Timeline of Influential Chemists
Starting from the early alchemists we take a journey through time to examine how each of these chemists pushed the boundaries of what is possible

200th Anniversary: Death of Claude Louis Berthollet
French chemist well-known for work on modern nomenclature in chemistry, equilibria, dyes, and bleaches

ChemistryViews Crossword Puzzle Results
Today we present the results of our big January chemistry crossword puzzle and the lucky winners

115th Birthday: Allene Jeanes
American chemist known for the development of large-scale dextran production and xanthan gum

Non-Covalent Interactions: Interview with Goar Sánchez-Sanz
Computational insights into these bindings, which are individually quite weak, but stabilize large structures and mediate specific bonding interactions

World-Changing Moments in Your Own Research
Crispin Lichtenberg, University of Würzburg, on his fascination with and successes in bismuth chemistry