Element 94 was first produced and isolated at the Berkeley Radiation Laboratory in 1940

75th Anniversary: Discovery of Plutonium

100th Birthday: Henry Taube
Nobel Laureate Taube made major contributions to coordination chemistry

50th Anniversary: Woodward-Hoffmann Rules
In 1965, Robert Burns Woodward and Roald Hoffmann explained the stereospecificity of pericyclic reactions

50th Anniversary: Hermann Staudinger’s Death
Nobel Laureate Staudinger was the father of polymer chemistry and discovered the ketenes

100th Anniversary: Paul Ehrlich’s Death
Nobel Laureate, eminent immunologist, and founder of chemotherapy

100th Birthday: Albert Ghiorso
Nuclear researcher and co-discoverer of 12 elements

150th Birthday: Emil Knoevenagel
Inventor of the eponymous aldol condensation

100th Anniversary: Clara Immerwahr's Death
A role model for her pursuit of science in spite of obstacles and for her strong moral convictions

75th Anniversary: Carl Bosch’s Death
Nobel Laureate and co-inventor of the Haber-Bosch process (1874 – 1940)

200th Birthday: Maxwell Simpson
Eminent Irish organic chemist was the first to synthesize succinic acid