Chemistry Nobel Laureate co-developed the theoretical basis for solving crystal structures

100th Birthday: Jerome Karle

100th Anniversary: Death of Alexander Mitscherlich
German chemist was one of the inventors of the sulfite process for the production of cellulose

125th Birthday: Harold Urey
Nobel Laureate discovered deuterium, was part of the Manhattan Project, and developed theories on the origin of life

200th Birthday: Henri Sainte-Claire Deville
Eminent French chemist discovered a range of important compounds

50th Anniversary: Death of Hertha Sponer
Renowned researcher in the field of molecular spectroscopy, co-developed the Birge-Sponer method

150th Birthday: Søren Sørensen
Danish biochemist who developed the pH scale

200th Birthday: William Allen Miller
British chemist used spectroscopy to study the stars

50th Anniversary: Death of Elmer McCollum
American biochemist discovered the first vitamins

100th Birthday: Rodney R. Porter
Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine discovered the structure of antibodies

100th Birthday: Sir John Cornforth
Nobel Laureate in Chemistry explained the biosynthesis of cholesterol