Pioneer of actinide and fluoride chemistry and Manhattan Project worker

100th Birthday: Larned B. Asprey

125th Birthday: Izaak Kolthoff
Considered one of the fathers of modern analytical chemistry

150th Birthday: Richard Abegg
Pioneer of valence theory known for Abegg's rule, a precursor to the octet rule

200th Birthday: James Prescott Joule
English physicist made important breakthroughs in thermodynamics—without a university education

100th Birthday: Ernst Otto Fischer
Nobel Laureate co-discovered the structure of ferrocene

50th Anniversary: Death of Lise Meitner
Co-discoverer of nuclear fission

100th Birthday: Sir Derek Barton
British Chemistry Nobel Laureate pioneered conformational analysis

150th Anniversary: Death of Christian Friedrich Schönbein
German-Swiss chemist discovered guncotton and ozone and co-invented the fuel cell

Fellows Program
ChemPubSoc Europe luminaries at the 7th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress Sixteen continental European chemical societies created the ChemPubSoc Europe Fellows Program in 2015 to honor researchers who have...

50th Anniversary: Death of Otto Hahn
Chemistry Nobel Laureate for the discovery of nuclear fission