Review of the anniversary activities that took place during the year

Highlights of the 10th Anniversary of ChemistryViews

Which Physical Chemistry Formula is in the Picture?
Guess a physical chemistry formula and win one of 8 books - anniversary contest for September

The Culture of Experimentation in Chemistry Has to Change
Robert Schlögl on the future of catalysis and the urgency of energy transition

Guess the Molecule
Which molecule is in the picture? - anniversary contest for July

Guess the Character (9)
Can you guess the character from the description?

ChemistryViews Wishes Happy Easter
A bit of reading and guessing material for the Easter holidays and experiments that can easily be done in the kitchen with children

Happy Birthday ChemistryViews
A warm thank you for ten fantastic years—celebrate with us, win prices, exchange, have fun, read what drives the editorial team

Did You Know This About ChemistryViews
ChemistryViews turns ten this year—celebrate with us

Chemistry & Cinema
A compilation of articles on chemistry in the movies

Guess the Character (8)
Can you guess the fictional scientist from the description?