The first female chemist to graduate from university in Japan worked in organic chemistry, specifically on plant dyes
Chika Kuroda – The Pioneering Female Chemist in Japan
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Significant Milestones in Chemistry: A Timeline of Influential Chemists
Starting from the early alchemists we take a journey through time to examine how each of these chemists pushed the boundaries of what is possible
Guess the Character (14)
Can you guess the fictional scientist from the description?
Chemistry & Spices
A compilation of articles on chemistry related to spices
Guess the Character (13)
Can you guess the fictional scientist from the description?
Guess the Character (12)
Can you guess the fictional scientist from the description?
Guess the Character (11)
Can you guess the fictional scientist from the description?
ChemistryViews Crossword Puzzle Results
Today we present the results of our big January chemistry crossword puzzle and the lucky winners
Historic Chemists Crossword – Solution
Exciting information about famous historical chemists