Peptide Therapeutics Forum 2024

Peptide Therapeutics Forum 2024

The event will highlight insights on the drug discovery of peptides, presents the latest news in the field of therapeutic peptides, and enable networking between participants from academia and industries.


Selected Speakers

  • Hans-Dieter Arndt, University of Jena, Germany
    Natural Product derived Polyazole and Lipidated Cyclodepsipeptide Collections
  • Nicole Biber, Bayer, Germany
  • Aurelién Bigot, Syngenta, Switzerland
    Bugs, plants and peptides – Unleashing the power of chemical ecology for sustainable crop protection
  • Florence Brunel, Novo Nordisk, Denmark
    A high potency protein that normalizes body weight in DIO mice through triple agonism at the FGF21, Glp-1 and GIP receptors
  • Olof Eriksson, Antaros Tracer, Sweden
    Affibody peptides for PET imaging of active fibrosis
  • César de la Fuente, University of Pennsylvania, United States
    AI for antibiotic discovery
  • Sivaneswary Genapathy, Astra Zeneca, United Kingdom
    The paradigm shift in peptide lead optimisation
  • Christian Heinis, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland
    Generating and screening large libraries of cyclic peptides for drug development
  • Patrizio Mattei, F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Switzerland
  • Christina Schröder, Genentech, United States
    Discovery and development of disulfide constrained peptides
  • Roderich Süssmuth, TU Berlin, Germany
    The impact of peptide drugs on antibacterial research – it is time to resist!
  • Meritxell Teixido, Gate2Brain, Spain
    Gate2Brain Blood-Brain Barrier Shuttle Peptides – From Discovery to Applications
  • Peter Timmerman, Biosynth, Switzerland
    Peptide Discovery using CLIPSTM Phage Display (PDL)
  • Louise Walport, The Francis Crick Institute, United States
    Introducing covalency into mRNA-displayed cyclic peptides
Event Details

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