The chemical structures of pyrethrins and insecticide use between the World Wars
Pyrethrum: History of a Bio-Insecticide – Part 2
First Angewandte Editor Based in China
Dr. Xin Su is the first Editor of Angewandte Chemie based outside Germany
Chemists Are Increasingly Willing to Try New Things
Interview with Neville Compton, Editor-in-Chief of Angewandte Chemie
Behind the Science: When a Nanoparticle Hits an Electrode
K. Lawrence, ChemElectroChem, talked to K. Tschulik, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, about her work on nano impact experiments
The Chemistry of Deodorants
How do deodorants and antiperspirants work? Which ingredients do they contain?
Benefits of a Mentee and a Mentor
Julia Tyrach and Markus Haider share their experiences with CheMento
Sugar-Based Stents Help Connect Blood Vessels
3D-printed stents hold tissue together during surgery and avoid blood clots
Light-Triggered Biomolecular Wires and Resistors
Photosensitised multiheme cytochromes for converting light into electricity
Adding Aryl Iodides to Alkynes
Nickel-catalyzed carboiodination gives useful organic building blocks
New Type of Pyrene‐Based Chromophores
Direct C−H borylation of pyrene derivatives