Answer three questions about last week's news to see how well you’re keeping up with the science world around you
Weekly Research News Challenge: New Disinfectants – Alkene Difunctionalization – Smart Medical Sensors
Angewandte Chemie 47/2024: The Long Term
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Binding RNA Drug Targets Using Spirocycles
New azaspirocycles with potential applications in drug discovery
Lacktagung 2025
Innovations and trends from the paint industry
30th Lecture Conference on Photochemistry (LCP 2026)
Discusses the latest developments in photochemistry- and photophysics-related research
Vortragstagung der Fachgruppe Geschichte der Chemie 2026
Exploring all aspects of the history of chemistry and the chemical industry
10. Jahrestreffen der Seniorexperten Chemie
Senior experts presenting on a diverse range of chemistry topics, new findings and prompts for discussion
54th Deutsche Lebensmittelchemietage 2026
Bringing together the German food chemistry community to explore recent news in food safety, security and authenticity
53rd Deutsche Lebensmittelchemietage 2025
Bringing together the German food chemistry community to explore recent news in food safety, security and authenticity
Wasser 2026
The central German conference that presents the latest findings on all water quality topics