Molecules controlling the behavior of the tumor necrosis factor lead to novel products for health problems like cancer.
Small Molecules For Fighting Cancer
History of the Discovery of the Elements
The chronology of the discovery of the elements is a textbook example of scientific development
Metals in Medicine Conference
EurJIC at the Gordon Research Conference on Metals in Medicine
12th Belgian Organic Synthesis Symposium (BOSS)
BOSS – current methods and topics from all areas of organic chemistry
Analytical Chemistry Trends 2008/2009
Read this overview of the latest trend report published annually in Nachrichten aus der Chemie, the GDCh magazine.
R&D Spending
A look at the top countries for research and development expenditure within the EU and the rest of the world.
Plain to See
New contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging of tumors
Wood in the Tank
Valeric fuels: a new generation of biogasoline and biodiesel from lignocellulose
Obtaining the Keys to the Middle East
"First make sure you both want to get married, then go to the mayor" - key advice on how the chemical industry can succeed in the Middle East
What Makes Your Pumpkin Grow?
Environmentally conscious pumpkin growers can turn to a natural source of nitrogen and phosphorus in the form of urine to help improve yields.