RSC Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry Meeting (MASC 2024)

Aims to unite all researchers contributing to the diverse and rapidly growing fields of contemporary macrocyclic and supramolecular chemistry, from synthetic discovery & methodology to the pursuit of frontier applications as well as the development of enabling tools for MASC founded in computation and machine learning. Researchers of all career stages gather to enjoy an excellent atmosphere of opportunities to network, present their work and enjoy some great multi-disciplinary science alongside their peers.

This flagship event traditionally features an exciting line-up of invited and contributed talks from established leaders and early-to-mid career rising stars in MASC from across the UK and abroad, as well as >100 poster presentations highlighting the diversity of research in these ever-expanding and interdisciplinary fields.


  • Duncan Bruce, University of York
  • Peter Crowley, University of Galway
  • Emily Draper, University of Glasgow
  • Rienk Eelkema, TU Delft
  • Birgit Esser, University of Ulm
  • Nathalie Katsonis, University of Groningen
  • David Leigh, University of Manchester
  • Jonathan Nitschke, University of Cambridge
  • Dan Pantos, University of Bath
  • Avinash Patil, University of Bristol
  • Sarah Pike, University of Birmingham
  • Jessica Wade, Imperial College London
  • Ben Xu, Northumbria University

Award Lectures

The conference programme includes Award Lectures by winners of the three prizes administered by the MASC group: the RSC MASC Group PhD Thesis Award given in memory of John Fossey, the Bob Hay Award Lectureship, and the MASC Group Supramolecular Chemistry Award.

Details of the 2024 award winners will be included here in due course.

Event Details

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