Sodium metal anodes with liquid electrolytes present a promising solution for affordable large-scale energy storage. However, understanding the degradation mechanisms has been challenging due to the difficulty in accessing the buried interfaces without deconstructing the cell.
By using cryogenic focused ion beam (cryoFIB) milling and cryogenic electron microscopy (cryoEM), one can observe and characterize the entire intact cell, revealing the intrinsic structure and composition of these interfaces.
This webinar will uncover the morphology of plated sodium and the solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI), providing a deeper understanding of the degradation mechanisms. A novel degradation method will be proposed involving the infiltration of separator pores, rather than traditional dendritic piercing. Additionally, the effect of electrolyte solvent on observed degradation methods will be investigated. A comprehensive cryogenic workflow for studying intact coin cells from the microscale to the atomic scale will also be introduced.
- Kevin Matthews, Texas Materials Institute – University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA
- Dr. Christina Poggel, Senior Content Strategist, Wiley
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