The event will feature the latest cutting-edge research in the various fields of green chemistry. This symposium will gather international researchers and chemical companies to present innovative technologies, research projects, and engineering solutions.
- Biomass Conversion
- Waste and side streams valorization
- Homogeneous, heterogeneous & biocatalysis
- Polymers or composites
- Alternative solvents
- Alternative technologies
- Clean reactions
- Chemical engineering
- Industrial chemistry
- Energy
- Mechanism investigations
- Artificial intelligence
- Life cycle and environmental assessment
- Networking and education
Selected Speakers
- Paul J. Chirik, Princeton University, USA
- Jean-Marie Tarascon, Collège de France, France
- Douglas MacFarlane, Monash University, Australia
- Avelino Corma, ITQ Valancia, Spain
- David Leys, University of Manchester, UK
- Linda Steg, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
- Serenella Sala, European Commission Joint Research Centre, Italy
- Hélène Olivier-Bourbigou, IFPEN, France
- Matthijs Ruitenbeek, Dow Benelux, Netherlands
- Séverine Jeulin, L’Oréal
- Fabien Deswarte, L’Oréal
- Svetlana Mintova, University of Caen, France
- Damien Debecker, UC Louvain, Belgium
- David Kubicka, University of Chemistry and Technology, Czech Republic
- Margarida Gomes, ENS Lyon, France
- Jean-Jaques Flat, Arkema, France
- Florent Bouxin, Seppic, France
- Aiwen Len, Wuhan University, China
- Nicolas Bats, Johnson Matthey, UK