International Symposium on Beyond Li-Ion Batteries (BeLI-24)

The event will focus on research on fundamental and applied aspects of materials for batteries beyond Li-ion batteries. It will look into the experimental and theoretical/computational aspects of the materials, such as the mechanisms of charge migration, the interactions and reactions at various electrochemical interfaces, and the cyclability in batteries.

Selected Speakers

  • Michel Armand, CIC EnergiGUNE, Spain
    Beyond Lithium: What Can Be Made Solid-State?
  • Peter Bruce, University of Oxford, UK
    The Rechargeable Lithium-oxygen Battery – The Cathode Challenge
  • Xuning Feng, Tsinghua University, China
    Fundamentals of Li-Battery Thermal Failure
  • Juergen Garche, Ulm University, Germany
    The Li Battery, the Controlled Bomb
  • Steve Greenbaum, Hunter College, USA
    Recent NMR Investigations of Novel Electrolytes for BeLI
  • Xin Guo, Huazhong University, China
    Pathways towards High-Performance Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries
  • Stephen Paddison, University of Tennessee, USA
    Multivalent Ion Clustering and Transport in Ternary Systems: Copolymer/Ionic Liquid/Salt
  • Emanuel Peled, Tel Aviv University, Israel
    Lithium and Sodium Metal Batteries
  • Jean-Yves Sanchez, LEPMI-Grenoble INP, France
    From Polymer Electrolytes to Calcium-Conducting Ionomers: A Route Towards Reversible Calcium Batteries?
  • Shi-Gang Sun, Xiamen University, China
    Studies of Lithium-Oxygen Battery Systems
  • Yang-Kook Sun, Hanyang University, South Korea
    Tailoring Microstructure and Surface of Ni-Rich Cathodes for High-Performance Electric Vehicle Batteries
  • Marnix Wagemaker, Delft University, Netherlands
    Design of Solid Electrolytes, Role of Disorder in the Li-Ion Conductivity and Beneficial Solid Electrolyte Redox in the Electrochemical Stability


  • Solid State Batteries
  • Lithium Metal Batteries
  • Alternatives to Lithium
  • Electrolytes and Interfaces
  • Advanced Anodes and Cathodes
  • Computational Modelling
  • Safety, Sustainability and Circular Economy
  • Advanced Methods
  • Redox Flow Batteries
Event Details

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