Guess the Places Behind These Element Names

Guess the Places Behind These Element Names

Author: Vera KoesterORCID iD

Test your knowledge about the origin of element names. In this quiz, you will be given the names of various chemical elements and must guess the geographical location (such as a city, country, region, continent, or river) after which the element was named.

Can you make the connection between chemistry and geography?

Have fun guessing and learning!


  • The element Americium (Am), 95

    is named after …

See answer




  • The element Berkelium (Bk), 97

    is named after …

See answer

Berkeley (city in the USA)



  • The element Darmstadtium (Ds), 110

    is named after …

See answer

Darmstadt (city in Germany)



  • The element Germanium (Ge), 32

    is named after …

See answer

Germany; Latin: Germania



  • The element Dubnium (Db), 105

    is named after …

See answer

Dubna (city in Russia)



  • The element Europium (Eu), 63

    is named after …

See answer




  • The element Gallium (Ga), 31

    is named after …

See answer

France; from Gaul; Latin: Gallia



  • The element Francium (Fr), 87

    is named after …

See answer




  • The element Hassium (Hs), 108

    is named after …

See answer

Hesse (state in Germany; Latin: Hassia)



  • The element Californium (Cf), 98

    is named after …

See answer

California (state in the USA)



  • The element Hafnium (Hf), 72

    is named after …

See answer

Copenhagen (city in Denmark; Latin: Hafnia)



  • The element Livermorium (Lv), 116

    is named after …

See answer

Livermore (city in the USA)



  • The element Moscovium (Mc), 115

    is named after …

See answer

Moscow (city in Russia)



  • The element Lutetium (Lu), 71

    is named after …

See answer

Paris (city in France; ancient name Lutetia)



  • The element Polonium (Po), 84

    is named after …

See answer




  • The element Rhenium (Re), 75

    is named after …

See answer

Rhine (river in Europe; Latin: Rhenus)



  • The element Scandium (Sc), 21

    is named after …

See answer

Scandinavia (Latin: Scandia)



  • The element Holmium (Ho), 67

    is named after …

See answer

Stockholm (city in Sweden)



  • The element Strontium (Sr), 38

    is named after …

See answer

Strontian (village in Scotland)



  • The element Tennessine (Ts), 117

    is named after …

See answer

Tennessee (state in the USA)



  • The element Yttrium (Y), 39

    is named after …

See answer

Ytterby (village in Sweden)


Also of Interest



Places of Discovery of the Elements

Clever Picture: Places of Discovery of the Elements

All 92 naturally occurring elements were identified in Europe while the artificial elements were mostly discovered in the USA




Heavy Elements

Collection: Heavy Elements

A collection of articles related to heavy or synthetic elements




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