Fluorophores with Tailored Propeller Chirality

Fluorophores with Tailored Propeller Chirality

Author: ChemistryViews

Chiral aggregation-induced emission luminogens (AIEgens) have great potential in circularly polarized luminescence (CPL). Owing to their high emission quantum yield in the solid state, luminogens with aggregation-induced emission (AIE) characteristics are promising candidates for chiral emitting materials. However, rapid ring flipping in propeller-shaped AIEgens tends to lead to racemization in solution.

Yi Liu, Shenzhen University, China, and colleagues have synthesized a series of chiral, macrocyclic AIEgens decorated with tunable emission colors (pictured below). The team used intramolecular McMurry couplings to construct the chiral AIE-active units. The “propeller” chirality of tetraphenylethene (TPE) moiety was pre-determined by the BINOL unit via chirality transfer along the cyclic backbone.



The researchers found that the synthesized chiral AIEgens all displayed bright solid-state emission and mirror-imaged CPL across the visible spectrum. These AIEgens maintained high solid-state emission quantum yields and produced CPL emission from blue to red when in nano-aggregates, liquid crystal matrices, and polymer films. In addition to donor-acceptor engineering, different polymer matrices could also be used to tune the emission of some of the AIEgens. Overall, the work provides an approach to constructing full-spectrum solid-state CPL materials.


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