Eco-Friendly Soy Protein Hydrogel Speeds Up Diabetic Wound Healing

Eco-Friendly Soy Protein Hydrogel Speeds Up Diabetic Wound Healing

Author: Aggregate

Soy protein is an essential plant-based protein valued in many industries for its nutritional value, functionality and sustainability. With the increasing demand for sustainable alternatives, soy protein has emerged as a promising replacement for animal-based proteins, particularly in the development of hydrogels. However, its use in hydrogels has traditionally been limited by factors such as relatively low initial mechanical strength and challenges in achieving the desired rheological properties for specific applications.

Xiaonan Sui, Northeast Agricultural University, China, and colleagues have developed a strategy to improve the functional properties of soy protein-based hydrogels. This approach involves modifying soy protein isolate (SPI) with epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) and forming a dynamic Schiff base between oxidized guar gum (OGG) and EGCG (pictured above). To further strengthen the hydrogel, silver ions are also introduced through metal-ligand bonds with the catechol groups of EGCG.

This incorporation of reversible Schiff base and metal-ligand coordination significantly improves the mechanical properties of the hydrogel. In particular, its stretchability (up to 380%) and self-healing ability are enhanced. In addition, this hydrogel shows excellent antimicrobial, biocompatible, and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as the ability to modulate macrophage polarization, making it highly effective in promoting the healing of diabetic full-thickness wounds.

According to the researchers, their research demonstrates the potential of plant-derived hydrogels as sustainable, high-performance alternatives to animal-based proteins, thus contributing to the protection of the environment and natural resources.




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