ECCE 15 & ECAB 8 & CIBIQ 3

Engineering for a Sustainable World: Summit for Clean Technologies & Brighter Legacy

Chemical engineering, biotechnology and bioprocessing are the key to providing innovative solutions for food supply, mobility, energy, health and well-being while striving for a sustainable economy. At ECCE 15 & ECAB 8, scientists from industry, universities and research institutions from Europe and beyond will meet in Lisbon to discuss the latest research and industrial applications in all fields of chemistry, process engineering, biotechnology and related fields.

This year’s conference will be held in conjunction with the 3rd CIBIQ – Iberoamerican Congress on Chemical Engineering. The CIBIQ congresses were born with the goal and the spirit of building bridges within the Ibero- American, chemical engineering community to join forces, to work as a team, to share experiences, and to attain even higher goals for the benefit of the Society that we serve.

The conferences unite chemical and process engineers, biotechnologists, bioprocess experts, chemists, material scientists and related disciplines with a focus on applied research and development.



ubmitted (in alphabetical order):

    Digital Transition, Artificial Intelligence – Applications, Impacts and Implications on Biochemical and Chemical Engineering
    Industry 4.0, (Bio)process modelling, simulation and design; digital twin for operations monitoring and maintenance; Process Analytical Technologies (PAT); Optimal (bio)process scheduling and control; AI tools for chemical engineering applications (machine learning, cloud computing, Augmented and Virtual Reality); data analytics; data-driven and hybrid modelling; Process Systems and Automation Engineering; numerical methods and algorithms; flexible and efficient manufacturing and logistics; Internet of Things (IoT) for industrial applications; cyber security.

    Education and Training next Generations (ESBES & EFCE legacy for Climate Neutrality)
    Graduate and post-graduate education of (bio)chemical engineers has to keep pace with changing society and generations of students, digitalization of the (bio)chemical industry, the critical need for circular economy, and the rapid development and accessibility of artificial intelligence.
    Contributions from experts in sustainability and digitalization of the (bio)chemical industry, illustrating methods of teaching essential skills and competencies of their field, along with educational experts discussing their innovations, are strongly encouraged.

    The sessions aim to showcase good practices and innovation in hot topics of (bio)chemical engineering education, such as, non-exclusively:

        Best practice in promoting sustainable development through education and upskilling/reskilling for energy transition and circular economy

        Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) education principles for (bio)chemical engineers

        Responsible use of artificial intelligence tools in (bio)chemical engineering practice, including the use of AI in university education

        Virtual reality as part of practical training

        Active teaching methodologies enabled by digital technology

    Energy Transition and Circular (Bio-)Economy
    Clean energy technologies, including renewable energy, energy efficiency and advanced energy technologies for a safe and sustainable energy & materials transition. Chemical storage of energy. Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage. Chemical energy and materials vectors (hydrogen, ammonia, (m)ethanol, methane, etc.), electrification of manufacturing industries. Sustainable aviation and marine fuels. (Bio & electro) refineries with focus on energy production and/or utilization.

    Health and (Bio-)Pharma
    Bioprocesses in biopharmaceutical manufacturing are to reliably deliver drugs in a relatively short time frame with high quality, avoidance of batch failures within a tight regulatory framework. Bioprocesses are highly complex, and the level of automation is highly varying, and there is constant pressure to improve efficiency and costs. In addition, climate change and resource scarcity require a reduction of the environmental footprint of bioprocesses and manufacturing facilities. Therefore, novel and innovative solution to improve existing processes and enable cost efficient manufacturing of new modalities are required.
        upstream processing
        downstream processing
        monitoring and control
        automation of bioprocesses
        cell line engineering
        process models

    Novel Foods and Food Processing
    Ensure efficient food production systems and implement sustainable and resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and quality of biomass, help maintain ecosystems, strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change. Implement new processes and technologies that will allow for efficient conversion of raw materials into high quality end products meeting consumer preferences and nutritional needs.

    Towards Net Zero and Climate Neutrality

    Development of innovative and environmentally friendly  technologies / processes to make industries sustainable; Decarbonization of chemical processes; Valorization of biomass wastes and industry side-streams to produce chemicals, materials and food ingredients. Biorefineries with focus on product diversification. Techno-economic and life cycle assessment of (bio)processes and biorefineries. Materials circularity. Efficient use of water and protection of excess water.

Plus CIBIQ topics.

Event Details

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