Early Career Women in Electrochemistry

Early Career Women in Electrochemistry

Author: Chemistry Europe

Women significantly contribute to the field of electrochemistry, yet they are still often underrepresented and overlooked. To acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of female researchers in this field, a special collection has been created to focus on the work of talented women, especially those who are early in their careers.

The goal of this collection is to shine a light on the innovative research and groundbreaking discoveries being made by female scientists in electrochemistry. It is a chance for these women to showcase their work and inspire others to follow in their footsteps.

The special collection is led by Michelle Browne from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, and Encarnación Torralba-Peñalver from the East Paris Institute of Chemistry and Materials, France. Both are part of the Early Career Advisory Board of ChemElectroChem and dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusivity in electrochemistry.

The first manuscripts are already online, with more to come, and they highlight the diverse range of topics and approaches being pursued by female researchers in the field. From developing new materials for energy storage to exploring new ways to clean up environmental pollutants, these women are at the forefront of cutting-edge research in electrochemistry.



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