Science4Life Energy Cup For Start-Ups

Science4Life Energy Cup For Start-Ups


Until October 21, 2016, young start-up businesses and groups who plan to start a company in the filed of energy can submit their business ideas to Science4Life Venture Cup, the largest German business plan competition for life sciences and chemistry technology.

The competition looks for entrepreneurs with ideas in the fields of renewable energy, energy storage, energy efficiency, digitalization, system and net technology, electromobility, etc. Winners will get a total of EUR 13,500 as well as individual coaching and workshops.

For this first level of the competition, a brief, concise description of the idea and of potential customers has to be submitted before October 21st. The ideas are evaluated by scientists and economists. Participation is free; three ideas can win participation in a one-day-workshop with experts from the Science4Life network and three ideas will receive 500 EUR each.

The second level of the competition looks at the business concept. Until January 13, 2017, a brief, concise description of the future business can be submitted. The business idea is evaluated, along with the company’s representation and a forecasting market evaluation. A convincing executive summary is the key part. Awards include 2 x 1,000 EUR and a two-day workshop with individual coaching by experts of the Science4Life network.

In the third phase of the competition you establish your complete business plan with the help of seminars and workshops given by experts of the Science4Life network till April 21, 2017. The business plan will be evaluated by the Science4LIfe panel of experts. One winner will be selected. The award includes 10,000 EUR.

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