Please find links to awards accepting nominations listed below – last update January 16, 2025
Hermann Neuhaus Prize 2025
The Max Planck Society award honors excellent postdocs and research group leaders who are conducting research with the potential for application at a Max Planck Institute. The prize money is 25,000 euros (20,000 euros are earmarked for research funds, 5,000 euros are for the prize winner´s personal use).
◷ Due date for applications: February 15, 2025
KlarText Prize for Science Communication
The Klaus Tschira Stiftung awards German speaking young researchers who have completed a doctoral thesis in the fields of biology, chemistry, computer science, geosciences, mathematics, neuroscience, or physics within the last two years. Applicants are encouraged to translate their complex research into accessible articles or engaging infographics for a general audience. Winners receive €7,500 and their work is published in the “KlarText” knowledge magazine.
◷ Due date for applications: February 28, 2025
IUPAC-Soong Prize for Sustainable Chemistry
Sponsored by a donation from LITEON founder Raymond Soong
The new annual award recognizes significant advancements in sustainable chemistry, focusing on groundbreaking discoveries or conceptual progress rather than the scientist’s career achievements. The award will be presented at the 2025 IUPAC World Chemistry Congress to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13-18 July 2025, and the awardee will receive a certificate, a medal, a monetary award of $30,000 (USD), and travel expenses to reach the prize ceremony. The awardee will be invited to present a lecture at the National Taiwan University, Taipei, within two years of receiving the award.
◷ Due date for nominations: February 17, 2025
Otto Hahn Prize
The Otto Hahn Prize is jointly awarded every two years by the City of Frankfurt a. M., the German Physical Society (DPG), and the German Chemical Society (GDCh). In 2025, the prize recognizes special contributions in the field of physics. The award consists of a medal and is endowed with € 50,000. The prize will be awarded during a ceremony at the St. Paul’s church (Paulskirche) in Frankfurt, Germany.
◷ Due date for nominations: March 7, 2025; email to [email protected]
Paracelsus Prize
The Swiss Chemical Society (SCS) award recognizes outstanding scientific research in the field of chemistry at an international level. Winners are chosen irrespective of nationality. SCS membership is not a requirement. The prize consists of CHF 20’000 and a medal in gold.
◷ Due date for nominations and applications: September 30, 2025
EurJIC-Wöhler Young Investigator Prize 2026
Sponsored by Chemistry Europe
The award of the Wöhler Vereinigung für Anorganische Chemie (Wöhler Association for Inorganic Chemistry), a division of the GDCh (German Chemical Society), and the European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (EurJIC) honors a young scientist of any nationality who has completed a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in chemistry for an excellent scientific publication in a field within inorganic chemistry. The selected paper, in which the candidate appears as correspondence author, should have been published within two years before the nomination. The nominee will be an independent researcher, but not yet in an established academic or industrial position.
Eligible for nomination are researchers in industry or academia with responsibility in an appropriate field. The prize is endowed with EUR 1500 and a lecture at the GDCh Conference on Inorganic Chemistry.
◷ Due date for nominations: March 30, 2026
E-mail to Nicole Bürger, GDCh: [email protected]
► If you know of more awards, please comment or contact us to add them.
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