Intelligent Energy Europe funds eight specialist companies and organizations by the COOL-SAVE project with 1.3 million Euro to develop and disseminate cost effective strategies to improve energy efficiency in cooling systems in the food and drink sector. The food and drink sector is the biggest manufacturing sector in Europe with a global turnover of 815 billion EUR in 2004, 14 % of the total European industry, and giving work to 4 million people.
The project will start with measuring and analyzing the refrigeration systems of 25 representative plants and develop cost-effective strategies to improve energy efficiency in the industry. The evaluation of the selected plants will be used to create guidelines on how to decrease energy consumption in industrial refrigeration plants.
The participants in the project represent specialist companies and trade organizations from European countries:
- Instituto Tecnológico de Castilla y León (ITCL) (Private, non-profit, research organization), Burgos, Spain
- Campden BRI Magyarorszag Nonprofit Korlatolt Felelossegu Tarsasag (Industrial, non-profit making research organisation providing R&D services), Budapest, Hungary
- Okavango-Energy (Operational Consulting SME specialized in Energy Efficiency for Industry), Saint Cloud, France
- Federación Española de Industrias de Alimentación y Bebidas (FIAB) (Food and Drink National Association), Madrid, Spain
- GEA Refrigeration Technologies GmbH (Services on industrial refrigeration), Bochum, Germany
- International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) (Cooling International Association), Paris, France
- ClimaCheck (SME), Nacka, Sweden
- Association Nationale des Industries Alimentaires (Food and Drink National Association), Paris, France
- Intelligent Energy Europe, Brussels, Belgium