European Chemicals Strategy to be Revised

European Chemicals Strategy to be Revised

Author: ChemistryViews

The European Commission wants to revise REACH, the EU’s chemicals legislation, to align it with the Commission’s ambitions for safe and sustainable chemicals, a high level of protection for health and the environment, and preservation of the internal market. To this end, comments are invited from industry, civil society, academia, and public authorities to help identify the solutions that can support these efforts. The public consultation is open until April 15.

The Commission is seeking comments on the following:

  • revision of the registration requirements, including increasing information requirements and introducing mandatory registration for polymers;
  • introduciton of assessment factors for mixtures;
  • simplification of communication in the supply chains;
  • revision of the provisions for dossier and substance evaluation;
  • reformation of authorization and restriction procedures, including expanding generic approaches to risk management and introducing the concept of essential use;
  • revision of the provisions for control and enforcement.

The EU enacted the REACH regulation in June 2007. REACH has generated the most advanced knowledge base on chemicals in the world and set up scientific bodies to carry out the risk and hazard assessments of chemicals. The EU has also managed to reduce the risks to people and the environment for certain hazardous chemicals like carcinogens.

The planned REACH revision is one of the actions announced in the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability, published on October 14, 2020, by the European Commission. It is part of the EU’s zero pollution ambition which is a key commitment of the European Green Deal. It aims to better protect citizens and the environment and boost innovation for safe and sustainable chemicals through 85 planned actions.


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