Established in 1984, Shizuoka is one of Merck’s key technology centers in Japan, focusing on advanced materials development for the semiconductor and display industries. As part of the plan, new infrastructure will be built to drive and accelerate innovation in electronic materials. The investment is expected to be completed by January 2022.
With its expanded capabilities, the Shizuoka site will focus on optimizing new materials discovery, device integration, application testing, sampling, quality control, and manufacturing for the semiconductor and display industries. To support the growing demand of the electronic materials market, next-generation materials will be developed and manufactured, including semiconductor materials such as patterning materials, dielectrics, metal hard masks, hybrid Storage On Demand (SOD), novel extreme ultraviolet (EUV) rinse solutions, and Directed Self-Assembly (DSA) materials, as well as display materials such as dielectrics, photoresist materials, and quantum dot pixel color converters (QDPCC). The local team in Shizuoka will work closely with Merck’s research and development centers in China, Korea, Taiwan, and the United States.
As part of these investments, a new 6,000 m2 facility has already been completed in January 2021. It provides office space for 230 employees.
- Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany