GDCh Prize for Authors and Journalists 2016

GDCh Prize for Authors and Journalists 2016

Author: ChemViews

The German chemistry editors of the website Wikipedia have received the Prize for Authors and Journalists of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCH, German Chemical Society). The award comes with a 7,500 EUR endowment and honors the high-quality chemistry content on the site. 

The GDCh considers the editors’ work instrumental in bringing chemical information to a wide audience in an understandable manner. The prize was presented at the Chemiedozententagung 2016 in Heidelberg, Germany, on March 22, 2016.

The editorial team provides a forum for discussion about chemistry articles in the online encyclopedia. It also develops and collects guidelines and principles for authors and aims to provide quality control for articles.


Professor Thisbe K. Lindhorst, GDCh President (far left), and laudator Dr. Wolfgang Gerhartz (far right), presenting the award to the chemistry editorial team of the German Wikipedia, who keep their names anonymous
(Photo: © Tobias Schwerdt, GDCh).


Also of Interest

  • GDCh Prize for Authors and Journalists,
    ChemViews/Jonathan Faiz,
    ChemViews Mag. 2014.
    Dr. Michael Gross, Oxford, UK, has been awarded by the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh; German Chemical Society)
  • Editor-in-Chief of ChemViews Awarded,
    ChemViews Mag. 2012.
    Vera Köster, Wiley-VCH, is awarded for the planning, development, and running of the ChemistryViews website


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