In this issue, T. Bach et al. review the enantioselective catalysis of photochemical reactions. What are the main concepts and key findings, which touch on a trio of concepts: catalysis, light, and chirality? In a Minireview, M. C. Holland and R. Gilmour deconstruct covalent organocatalysis. The Highlight by L. M. Liz-Marzán deals with the complexity and symmetry of nanocrystal growth.
In the Communications section, V. Biju et al. show how Auger ionization beats photo-oxidation of semiconductor quantum dots in terms of single-molecule photoluminescence (see picture). M. Li et al. present a general strategy to prepare high-performance electrodes for lithium-ion batteries. H. Petković et al. succeeded in the construction of tetracycline lead structures through biosynthetic engineering. Y. Kim et al. used the kinetic isotope effect as a probe of spin crossover in C–H activation by FeO+. L. Hintermann et al. describe a titanium-catalyzed cycloisomerization of allylphenols at high temperatures.
- Angewandte Chemie 13/2015: Catalysis and More,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54 (13).