In this issue, S. Passerini et al. review energy storage materials obtained from ionic liquids. What makes ionic liquids suitable as functional advanced materials, media for materials production, and components for preparing highly engineered functional products? In a minireview, D. J. Holland and L. F. Gladden summarize how compressed sensing is transforming metrology in chemistry. The Highlight deals with the activation of aliphatic nucleophiles for cross-coupling reactions (E. and U. Jahn).
In the Communications section, H. J. Cha et al. present an engineered mussel bioglue with enhanced adhesion and water resistance (see picture). K. M. Neyman et al. describe how absorbed, i.e., subsurface, hydrogen affects the catalytic activity of transition metals, and G. M. Grotenberg et al. report on the bioorthogonal cleavage and exchange of major histocompatibility complex ligands. C. H. Görbitz et al. succeeded in the characterization of the polymorphs of L-phenylalanine.
- Angewandte Chemie 49/2014: Functional Products,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53 (49).