Chemistry is … interesting and sometimes boring, everywhere, what stinks and bangs, brings things together, difficult to understand, my passion, a very dangerous matter, the future.
These are some of the answers collected in a video published by the working group “Chemie ist·…” (Chemistry is …) of the GDCh (German Chemical Society). Random people on the street were asked to answer what chemistry is for them. A colorful collection of very short statements manly in German, but also in French, English and Spanish, shows how different opinions are.
The group “Chemie ist …” was founded in 2014 by the then president of the GDCh, Dr. Thomas Geelhaar, as part of a larger group focusing on chemistry and the public. With a range of activities and projects, they aim at improving the visibility and reputation of chemistry in the general public. The next event organized by the group is the ChemSlam, the second Chemistry Slam organized by the GDCh.
- Projects and events of the group “Chemie ist …”
- Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh; German Chemical Society), Frankfurt, Germany
- Make Chemistry More Attractive,
Vera Köster,
ChemViews Mag. 2014.
DOI: 10.1002/chemv.201400029
Dr. Thomas Geelhaar, the new President of the GDCh, will focus on working towards better acceptance of chemistry in society
Chemistry Streets Stars