Angewandte on the iPad

Angewandte on the iPad

Author: Angewandte Chemie International Edition

Do you want to read Angewandte on the road or on your sofa? The free Angewandte app is available on the iPad, iPhone and similar devices.

You can explore the latest articles conveniently, either in EarlyView or in an issue. For a limited time, current content is free.

Screenshot Angewandte iPad app

Figures, references, and supporting info are presented in a sidebar, so you can check them while you are reading rather than having to flick to the end of the article and get lost on the way back.

Screenshot Angewandte iPad app

You can save articles permanently, or share them with colleagues.

The app is available from the iTunes store at

On your iPad, the app sits in the newsstand, so you can set it up to download new issues automatically as they appear and be notified when a new weekly issue or a new article in EarlyView is available.

The app was presented at the ACS meeting in Philadelphia.

Professor Chad A. Mirkin, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA, tells Dr. Suzanne Tobey, Associate Editor, Angewandte Chemie, that the Angewandte app is fantastic. “Very intuitive and informative. It is a very nice way to quickly find content relevant to one’s work. Great job!”


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