–> 2011 Impact Factors
Excellent results for Wiley’s and Wiley-VCH’s 2010 ISI Impact Factors, e.g. new record IF for Angewandte Chemie of 12.730 and excellent first IF for ChemCatChem of 3.345.
Once again 66 % of our journals listed in chemistry and its related subjects, show a year on year increase in their Impact Factor.
Steve Miron, Senior Vice President, STMS, commented, “We are very pleased with these results – they demonstrate the commitment to quality, which underpins our collaboration with our society partners, and the importance of the journals we publish to the research community.”
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 12.730
In its 50th anniversary year, Angewandte Chemie International Edition is maintaining its leading position as the top chemistry journal publishing primary research and review articles. With the motto “Quality first”, its Impact Factor has reached a new record of almost 13, with well over 1800 manuscripts published in 2010.
It is a journal of the German Chemical Society published by Wiley-VCH.
► see also free-to-view Virtual Events of Angewandte Symposia
Medicinal Research Reviews 10.228
Leading the way in Medicinal Chemistry, Medicinal Research Reviews has increased its impact factor by over 18% and reclaimed its position as the #1 journal. In addition, it is over the 10.0 milestone!
ChemSusChem 6.325
ChemSusChem received an impressive 2010 ISI Impact Factor of 6.325, an increase of 32% compared to last year’s value. With a broad readership across chemistry and materials science, ChemSusChem is a great first choice for publishing your best work on energy and sustainability.
ChemSusChem is from Wiley-VCH and is co-owned and supported by ChemPubSoc Europe, a conglomeration of 16 European Chemical Societies. |
ChemCatChem 3.345
ChemCatChem received an excellent first Impact Factor of 3.345! A super beginning for a journal that is on track to become one of the premier catalysis journals.
ChemCatChem is also from Wiley-VCH and is co-owned and supported by ChemPubSoc Europe, a conglomeration of 16 European Chemical Societies.
Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis 5.250
ASC Impact Factor increased to 5.250. It is still the number one for primary organic chemistry journals for the 7th year in a row.
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Multidisciplinary Chemistry |
Angewandte Chemie |
Chemistry – A European Journal |
Chemical Records |
Chemistry – An Asian Journal |
Impact Factor: 12.730 |
Impact Factor: 5.476 |
Impact Factor: 4.604 |
Impact Factor: 4.188 |
1612-1880/asset/cover.gif?v=1&s=cc68b12e733d21d6415eeec10551f83cb03996eb) |
1522-2675/asset/cover.gif?v=1&s=e7759ff8d29b48c9d72e374a3514f2b3582e876e) |
1098-1071/asset/cover.gif?v=1&s=249154dd1f9fbc8d54c9a31fa7d97aa452a0e9ce) |
Computational Chemistry |
Chemistry & Biochemistry |
Helvetica Chimica Acta |
Heteroatom Chemistry |
Impact Factor: 4.050 |
Impact Factor: 1.586 |
Impact Factor: 1.284 |
Impact Factor: 1.044 |
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1615-4169/asset/cover.gif?v=1&s=6b403eb4cdb02c56a05bd76afba87849efa73d61) |
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis |
Appl. Organometallic Chemistry |
Flavour and Fragrance Journal |
Science of Food and Agriculture |
Impact Factor: 5.250 |
Impact Factor: 2.062 |
Impact Factor: 1.849 |
Impact Factor: 1.360 |
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Organic Chemistry / Inorganic Chemistry |
1099-0682c/asset/cover.gif?v=1&s=8d7b2250fa0d2a10d8005c2897f3f3cc79f97501) |
European Journal of Organic Chemistry |
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry |
Chirality |
Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry |
Impact Factor: 3.206 |
Impact Factor: 2.909 |
Impact Factor: 2.892 |
Impact Factor: 1.478 |
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Medicinal Research Reviews |
ChemBioChem |
ChemMedChem |
Journal of Pharma Sciences |
Impact Factor: 10.228 |
Impact Factor: 3.945 |
Impact Factor: 3.306 |
Impact Factor: 3.031 |
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Physical Chemistry /Electrochemistry |
Advanced Materials |
Advanced Functional Materials |
ChemPhysChem |
Electroanalysis |
Impact Factor: 10.857 |
Impact Factor: 8.486 |
Impact Factor: 3.339 |
Impact Factor: 2.721 |
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Impact Factor: 54.333 |
Impact Factor: 3.794 |
Impact Factor: 6.326 |
Impact Factor: 1.829 |
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Biofpr |
Fuel Cells |
Energy Research |
Progress in Photovoltaics |
Impact Factor: 5.515 |
Impact Factor: 3.32 |
Impact Factor: 1.860 |
Impact Factor: 5.627 |
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1096-987X/asset/cover.gif?v=1&s=4429aac2462ebd499c13b3d7fe983679c5767778) |
Computational Chemistry |
ChemBioChem |
Journal of Molecular Recognition |
Journal of Peptide Science |
Impact Factor: 4.050 |
Impact Factor: 3.945 |
Impact Factor: 2.286 |
Impact Factor: 1.954 |
Journals within General Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy |
1521-3773/asset/cover.gif?v=1&s=412bc65bdcb3f0e34a94f27c1c13e908726694d4) |
1521-3765/asset/cover.gif?v=1&s=84a7a85cb7ec9b27e0cf7892ed9fab8be71206a8) |
More Journals and Their 2010 Impact Facotrs