In this issue, S. Liu et al. review research on the mechanism of piezocatalysis, and M. A. Spackman et al. discuss the mechanical properties of molecular crystals in a quantitative way. The Minireview deals with transition-metal-catalyzed annulations that involve the activation of C(sp3)–H bonds (J. L. Mascareñas et al.).
In the original research section, Y. Qiu et al. report on the electrochemical desaturative β-acylation of cyclic N-aryl amines (see picture). T. J. Boltje et al. characterized mannosyl dioxanium ions in solution using chemical exchange saturation transfer NMR spectroscopy. X. Gao et al. watched microwave-induced microscopic hot spots via the thermosensitive fluorescence of europium/terbium mixed-metal organic complexes. K. A. Mirica et al. unravel the electrical and magnetic properties of a layered conductive metal-organic framework with atomic precision.
- Angewandte Chemie 6/2022: Quality and Quantity,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61 (6).