In this issue, T. Zhang et al. review advances in light-driven C1 chemistry. How is it useful in solar energy and fuels? The Minireview deals with 2D nanosheets and their composite membranes for water, gas, and ion separation (Y. M. Lee et al.). D. Ravelli et al. highlight the merge of photocatalysis and electrochemistry in organic synthesis.
In the original research section, J. Deng et al. present a total synthesis of (−)-perezoperezone through intermolecular [5+2] homodimerization (see picture). P. Poinot et al. developed a probe for cancer diagnostics that is based on a volatile organic compound. Y. Wang et al. used surface electron coupling for efficient hydrogen evolution and N. Kimizuka et al. describe NIR optogenetic genome engineering based on photon-upconversion hydrogels.
- Angewandte Chemie 49/2019: Lights, Chemistry, Action,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58 (49).