Chemistry & Art

Chemistry & Art

Author: ChemistryViews

A compilation of articles on chemistry in artworks, on art inspired by chemistry, about the work of scientific teams in museums


Visual Arts

Includes painting, sculpture, architecture, photography, and other tangible artistic expressions

Video: How Is an Etching Created?,
Vera Koester,
ChemistryViews 2022.
Etching is a printing technique that combines art and chemistry

Video: How Do Oil Paints Dry?,
Vera Koester,
ChemistryViews 2022.
The drying process of oil paints can take several weeks to months or years. Why does it take so much longer than, for example, the drying of watercolor paints?

Spotlight: Communicating Through Art,
Franki N. Hatfield, Kennedi S. Plymal, Andrew C. Trump, Hayleah M. Fletcher, Kayley E. Nichols, Kristal M. Garcia, Natalie S. James, Kennedy N. Pugh, Leah B. Flanigan, Rodney A. Tigaa,
ChemistryViews 2021.
The chemistry undergraduate student experience during the COVID-19 pandemic

Interview: Research and Art Benefit from Each Other,
Delphine Delire, Raisa Turja, Vera Koester,
ChemistryViews 2019.
Experiences with an art exhibition held at SETAC Europe’s Annual Meeting in Helsinki, Finland

Interview: Art Bridging Science and Society,
Elliot Steeples, Rodrigo Pérez-García, Caterina Benincasa,
ChemistryViews 2018.
Founder of a residency program to acquaint artists with scientists talk about their vision and what they have achieved so far

Interview: Using Science to Detect Art Forgery in Paintings,
Jehane Ragai, Vera Koester (© Photo: Nathan Pitt, University of Cambridge, UK)
ChemistryViews 2018.
Jehane Ragai about the science behind forgery, what fascinates her about this topic, and her scientific career path

Colors in the Prehistoric and Archaic Era,
Evrykleia G. Karagiannidou,
ChemistryViews 2018.
Chemistry of the intense colors many ancient works of art like ceramic figurines, statues, and temples were decorated with

Spotlight: Two-Dimensional Crystals,
Mario Markus,
ChemistryViews 2018.
Amazing microscopic pictures of home-grown crystals

Interview: Unique Way of Communicating Science,
Fernanda Haffner, Vera Koester,
ChemistryViews 2017.
F. Haffner talks about her non-profit journal Esperluette that acquaints both scientists and artists with scientific research

Interview: Art Inspired by Materials Science,
Regina Valluzzi, Vera Koester,
ChemistryViews 2016.
In an amazing career, Regina Valluzzi has come from materials sciences at MIT via a nanotech start-up to visual art

Art + Science Project,
Thorsten Bach, Birgit Eiglsperger, Burkhard König,
ChemistryViews 2016.
Chemistry and art students together worked on topics around photochemistry research

News: Combining Analytical Chemistry with Art History,
ChemistryViews 2013.
Richard R. Ernst, grandson of Walter Ernst, analyses a 13th century painting from Central Tibet

Interview with Tobias Stengel — Fine Arts & Chemistry,
Tobias Stengel, Vera Köster,
ChemistryViews 2011.
Tobias Stengler talkes about his interest in chemistry and the sciences and the connection between chemistry and fine arts


Preservation of Cultural Heritage

Involves safeguarding historical artifacts

Identification and Preservation of Cultural Heritage,
Manfred Schreiner, Rita Wiesinger, Wilfried Vetter,
ChemistryViews 2017.
Chemistry and Art: The contribution of chemistry to identifiy and preserve modern and ancient pieces of art and craft

Career: As A Chemist at a Museum,
S. Röhrs, V. Koester,
ChemistryViews 2014.
Dr. S. Röhrs has worked as a scientist at the Musées de France, The British Museum, and is now at the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

Interview: Does Climate Change Have an Impact on Cultural Heritage?,
Vera Koester, Paul Bellendorf (Foto © Benjamin Herges/Uni Bamberg),
ChemistryViews 2021.
Paul Bellendorf, University of Bamberg, on materials and building preservation sciences and the current challenges facing heritage sciences



Includes written works such as poetry, novels, essays, and plays.

Chemical Poems,
Mario Marcus,
ChemistryViews 2015.
Poems based on the natural properties of each of the elements of the periodic table

Interview: Poetry and Chemistry,
Mario Markus, Vera Köster,
ChemistryViews 2013.
Professor Mario Markus, scientist, artist, author, and poet, talks about what science can offer to art and how art can benefit science

Essay: Buttons,
Nicola Cavallini (Translation from Italian by Giorgio Anelli),
ChemistryViews 2024.
The essay that won 2nd place in the SCI’s 1000xChemistry essay competition, tells the story of a mysterious button that triggers chaos, causing the protagonist to reflect on his academic and life choices

Essay: An Electron in the Mirror,
Giovanni Merola, Francesca Camilla Petrocelli,
ChemistryViews 2024.
It was a morning in the microcosm of subatomic particles … The essay that won 1st place in the SCI’s 1000xChemistry essay competition



Focus: Chemical Secrets of the Violin Virtuosi,
Klaus Roth,
ChemistryViews 2012.
What made Stradivari’s violins so special? Klaus Roth looks at the important role of chemistry in Stradivari’s workshop and instruments

Chemical View on Guitar Strings

Chemical View on Guitar Strings,
ChemistryViews 2019.
Inspired by the Woodstock anniversary, we look at the chemistry of guitar strings


Acting/Theater & Film

It Begins with My Own Questions

Interview: It Begins with My Own Questions,
Gabriella Greison, Vera Koester (Photo © G. Greison),
ChemistryViews 2024.
Gabriella Greison on how to engage the general public with quantum physics, filling entire theaters, how she chooses her topics, and what is essential in effective science communication

Chemistry & Cinema,
A compilation of articles on chemistry in the movies

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