In this issue, L. Casella et al. review dopamine, oxidative stress, and protein–quinone modifications in neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s. How can chronic neuronal inflammation and loss of dopamine neurons be monitored by MRI? The Minireviews deal with structural lipidomics (S. R. Ellis) and valorization of desalination brine through NaOH recovery (J. H. Lienhard V et al.).
In the Communications section, G. Zou et al. present CsSbF2SO4, its structure, and ultraviolet nonlinear optical properties (see picture). T. Dairi et al. describe the control mechanism for carbon-chain length in polyunsaturated fatty-acid synthases. N. Casati et al. succeeded in the pressure-induced polymerization of a polyiodide, and report the product’s electrical conductivity. J. Sun et al. synthesized eight-membered lactams through formal [6+2] cyclization of siloxy alkynes and vinylazetidines.
- Angewandte Chemie 20/2019: Reshaping Chemistry,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58 (20).