In this issue, L. J. Smith et al. review the issues around the validation of molecular simulation. How can such simulations be improved? The Highlight deals with metal-free dinitrogen activation (R. L. Melen).
In the Communications section, P. B. Alper et al. describe the photoinduced rearrangement of dienones and santonin to be rerouted by amines (see picture). A. Li et al. present total syntheses of daphenylline, daphnipaxianine A, and himalenine D; S. Petry et al. identified and characterized a single high-affinity binding site for fatty acids in human serum albumin.
- Angewandte Chemie 4/2018: High-Affinity Binding,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57 (4).