Winner of the Final iPad

Winner of the Final iPad

Author: ChemViews

ChemViews is happy to announce that Mu Cheng, PhD student at the University of Queensland, Australia, is the April, and final, winner of our campaign Register for ChemViews Newsletter & Win an iPad.

We asked her some questions about herself and …

You are the winner of the iPad for registering for the ChemViews magazine newsletter in April.

How did you get to know

My PhD supervisor recommended it to me because he thought it would be very useful for my current studies.

How do you use

I am using it to find out the latest publications associated with my research. Also, I am using it to search information on various subjects other than my own area.

What do you think of

It includes almost all the information I want. The website is well organized and easy to read. The best thing is that it sends e-mails to me frequently to highlight the latest news.

What is your field of research?

I study the mode of action of chemically synthetic antibiotics.

Thank you very much!

Mu Cheng is a PhD student under the supervision of Professor Matthew A. Cooper, Institute for Molecular Bioscience, University of Queensland, Australia.

Mu Cheng was born in 1983, received her M.S. in Biotechnology in December 2008 at the Advanced Water Management Center (AWMC), University of Queensland. After working as a research assistant at AWMC until March 2010, she is now doing her PhD on mode of action studies of chemically synthetic antibiotics to overcome drug-resistant bacterial strains.

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