This issue of Angewandte is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute: C. Barner-Kowollik points out the close collaborations, despite the large distance, between Australia and Germany in his Editorial. He and his co-authors review the versatility of cyclodextrin-based host–guest chemistry in dynamic macromolecular materials design. In a Minireview, J. Hofmann and K. Pagel discuss glycan analysis by ion mobility–mass spectrometry. C. J. C. Biscombe sets the record straight regarding the discovery of electrokinetic phenomena in an Essay. The Highlights deal with carbon signals in liquid-state NMR spectroscopy (G. Pintér and H. Schwalbe) and supercharging proteins (N. C. Polfer).
In the Communications section, P. S. Donnelly et al. describe a guest-induced assembly of bis(thiosemicarbazonato) zinc(II) coordination nanotubes (see picture). M. Famulok et al. studied the conformation of a receptor tyrosine kinase in solution by inhibitor-based spin labeling. G. Wang et al modified tetrathiofulvalene to act as an organic conductor for improving performances of Li–O2 batteries.
- Angewandte Chemie 29/2017: Happy 100, Mate,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56 (29).