For its anniversary, the German Chemical Society (GDCh) has dug up a box of photos of chemists from their archive. Among those photographed are GDCh Presidents, Nobel Prize winners, and many other well-known chemists.
For the next 11 weeks, we will uncover one of the photographs each Monday and invite you to guess who is pictured. The answer will be published the following Friday. From all correct entries, 12 winners will be selected at random at the WiFo 2017, the largest GDCh biannual conference. You can increase your chances by participating in more than one quiz.
Winners will receive one of the following prizes: 1 copy of The Nature of the Mechanical Bond (C. J. Bruns, J. F. Stoddart), 1 copy of A Philatelic Ramble through Chemistry (E. Heilbronner, F. A. Miller), 1 copy of Molecules that Changed the World (K. C. Nicolaou, T. Montagnon), 3 GDCh T shirts, 3 power banks, 3 GDCh mugs.
Picture 8
Who is pictured?
Send your answer to [email protected]
(not later than August 17, 12:00 pm CET)
Prize draw rules and regulations
Also of Interest