ChemViews is happy to announce that Dr. Harry Raaijmakers, Cosun Food Technology Centre, The Netherlands, is the January winner of our campaign Register for ChemViews Newsletter & Win an iPad.
We asked him some questions about himself and …
You are the winner of the iPad for registering for the ChemViews magazine newsletter in January.
You are the winner of the iPad for registering for the ChemViews magazine newsletter in January.
Where did you see the Register for ChemViews magazine newsletter & win an iPad campaign?
A colleague brought it to my attention.
Did you know before?
Not really. I have a subscription to quite a number of newsletters. This one had escaped my attention.
How do you use
I am going to use it to stay informed about the topics which are of interest for my daily work.
What do you think of
If you start browsing through the site there is a lot of information to be found in a broad field. So I think there must be something in it for everybody.
What do you like best?
One of the things which is quite convenient for me is the easy access to the contents of a lot of magazines. It gives me the opportunity to screen the most relevant ones for interesting articles.
What is your field of research?
Iām working on the development of non-food applications of agricultural side streams, such as building blocks for the chemical industry.
Thank you very much!
Dr. Harry W. C. Raaijmakers was born in 1962 in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. He received his M.S. in Chemistry in January 1988 at the Radboud University of Nijmegen. In 1993 he finished his PhD on carbohydrate chemistry at the same university under the supervision of Professor B. Zwanenburg. From 1993 to 1995 he performed a post-doc at the section Food Chemistry and Food Microbiology of the University of Wageningen, working on the analysis and degradation of cell wall polysaccharides with Professor A. G. J. Voragen.
From 1995 until now he is working at the Cosun Food Technology Centre, Roosendaal, The Netherlands. As program manager non-food, he coordinates a number of projects aimed at the development of non-food applications of agricultural side streams. Examples are the development of building blocks for the chemical industry and an environmentally friendly anti-scalant, carboxymethyl inulin.