Fritz Vögtle (1939 – 2017)

Fritz Vögtle (1939 – 2017)

Author: ChemViews

Professor Emeritus Fritz Vögtle, University of Bonn, Germany, passed away on January 3, 2017.

Vögtle’s research focused on organic and supramolecular chemistry. He created the first dendrimers, polymers with a tree-like branching structure. He also worked on molecules with mechanical bonds, such as catenanes and rotaxanes, as well as on stereochemistry. Vögtle also developed laboratory equipment and held a number of patents.

Fritz Vögtle studied chemistry at the Universities of Freiburg and Heidelberg, both Germany. He finished his Ph.D. and his habilitation in Heidelberg. He joined the University of Würzburg, Germany, as Professor in 1970. Vögtle moved to the University of Bonn, Germany, in 1975 and served there as Professor and Director of the Kekulé Institut for Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry until his retirement in 2006.

Among other honors, Vögtle received the Literature Prize of the German Chemical Industry Fund (Fonds der Chemischen Industrie, FCI) in 1990, the Izatt-Bradshaw-Christensen Award for Macrocyclic Chemistry by the International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC) in 1999, a honorary doctorate from the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, in 2000, and the Adolf von Baeyer Medal from the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh, German Chemical Society) in 2003.

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