In this issue, B. B. Touré et al. review access to drug metabolites via transition-metal catalyzed C–H oxidation. How can the liver serve as an inspiration for synthesis? In a Minireview, M. Pagliaro et al. discuss industrial applications of gold catalysis. The Highlight deals with the first organocatalytic Cope rearrangement (K. Gebauer and C. Schneider).
In the Communications section, O. K. Castell et al. present bilayer networks within a hydrogel shell as a robust chassis for artificial cells and a platform for membrane studies (see picture). Z. Deng et al. report on charge-transfer plasmon engineering of solution-assembled gold nanodimers from visible to near-infrared regions. T. H. Warren et al. found a frustrated and confused Lewis pair.
- Angewandte Chemie 46/2016: Gold!,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55 (46).