Considering the Computer as a Partner in the Discovery Process

Author: Vera Koester, Jasmin Herr, Johanna Rath

Gisbert Schneider, Direktor Singapore-ETH Center, has been awarded the Gmelin-Beilstein Memorial Medal 2022 from the GDCh for his pioneering work in integrating machine learning methods into practical medicinal chemistry.

We met Gisbert Schneider at TU Berlin, Germany, at a hybrid meeting for this interview and talked about perseverance in research, the power of the “ignorant creativity of the youth”, computers in research, and the terms scaffold-hopping and frequent hitter.

Gisbert Schneider with the Gmehlin-Beilstein Memorial Medal and Jasmin Herr (video production) and Vera Koester on the monitor.


Also of Interest

Gmelin-Beilstein Memorial Medal 2022

Gmelin-Beilstein Memorial Medal 2022

Gisbert Schneider honored for pioneering work on artificial intelligence approaches in drug design


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