Altmetric Attention Score

Read some of the most talked about papers from the ChemPubSoc Europe journals

Altmetrics are metrics and qualitative data that are complementary to traditional, citation-based metrics. They can include (but are not limited to) discussions on research blogs, mainstream media coverage, and mentions on social networks such as Twitter. The Altmetric Attention Score for a research output indicates the amount of attention it has received.

High-Selectivity Electrochemical Conversion of CO2 to Ethanol using a Copper Nanoparticle/N-Doped Graphene Electrode
Yang Song, Rui Peng, Dale K. Hensley, Peter V. Bonnesen, Liangbo Liang, Zili Wu, Harry M. Meyer III, Miaofang Chi, Cheng Ma, Bobby G. Sumpter, Adam J. Rondinone

Shear-Stress-Mediated Refolding of Proteins from Aggregates and Inclusion Bodies
Tom Z. Yuan, Callum F. G. Ormonde, Stephan T. Kudlacek, Sameeran Kunche, Joshua N. Smith, William A. Brown, Kaitlin M. Pugliese, Tivoli J. Olsen, Mariam Iftikhar, Colin L. Raston, Gregory A. Weiss

Apple-Biowaste-Derived Hard Carbon as a Powerful Anode Material for Na-Ion Batteries
Liming Wu, Daniel Buchholz, Christoph Vaalma, Guinevere A. Giffin, Stefano Passerini

Co-solvent Pretreatment Reduces Costly Enzyme Requirements for High Sugar and Ethanol Yields from Lignocellulosic Biomass
Thanh Yen Nguyen, Charles M. Cai, Rajeev Kumar, Charles E. Wyman

Cover Picture: Influence of Polymer Electronics on Selective Dispersion of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Darryl Fong, William J. Bodnaryk, Nicole A. Rice, Sokunthearath Saem, Jose M. Moran-Mirabal, Alex Adronov
Chemistry – A European Journal

Superhydrophobic Fabrics for Oil/Water Separation Based on the Metal–Organic Charge-Transfer Complex CuTCNAQ
Faegheh Hoshyargar, Manika Mahajan, Anuradha, Sheshanath V. Bhosale, Louis Kyratzis, Anand I. Bhatt, Anthony P. O’Mullane

Nerve Agent Degradation with Polyoxoniobates
Mark K. Kinnan, William R. Creasy, Lauren B. Fullmer, Heidi L. Schreuder-Gibson, May Nyman
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry

Fighting Cancer with Transition Metal Complexes: From Naked DNA to Protein and Chromatin Targeting Strategies
Giulia Palermo, Alessandra Magistrato, Tina Riedel, Thibaud von Erlach, Curt A. Davey, Paul J. Dyson, Ursula Rothlisberger

Diazocines on Molecular Platforms
Tobias Tellkamp, Jun Shen, Yoshio Okamoto, Rainer Herges
European Journal of Organic Chemistry

Monomer Dynamics of Alzheimer Peptides and Kinetic Control of Early Aggregation in Alzheimer’s Disease
Srabasti Acharya, Kinshuk R. Srivastava, Sureshbabu Nagarajan, Lisa J. Lapidus

Open-Access Chemistry with Impact
Natalia Ortúzar,

Palladium-Nanoparticles-Intercalated Montmorillonite Clay: A Green Catalyst for the Solvent-Free Chemoselective Hydrogenation of Squalene
Vineet Kumar Soni, Rakesh K. Sharma

From the ChemPubSoc Europe journals’ archive:

Ueber Synthese der Salicylsäure
H. Kolbe
Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie

Altmetric scores based on current standings as of November 7th, 2016.