ChemPubSoc Europe Newsletter Issue No. 3
Dear Chemist, dear Society Member,
As the year races towards its end, a reflection on 2012 shows you some of the benefits ChemPubSoc Europe membership brings to you. In this third issue of the ChemPubSoc Europe newsletter, you’ll also see new advantages in 2013. Looking back over 2012 and forward, we hope you’ll agree that your society, through ChemPubSoc Europe, is working for you!
Members of ChemPubSoc Europe societies have achieved international acclaim with their research and have been recognized by their societies. A selection of the top laureates who received their award in 2012 is highlighted here, together with links to recent articles in a ChemPubSoc Europe journal.
- Samir Zard Palaiseau (Joseph Achille Le Bel Grand Prix/ SCF France);
- Roberto Dovesi Torino (Cesare Pisani Award/ SCI Italy);
- Nazario Martín (RSEQ Gold Medal & Jamie I Prize for Basic Research/ Spain);
- Walter Thiel Mühlheim (Liebig Memorial Medal/ GDCh Germany);
- Kathrin Lang Cambridge UK and Tobias Madl Graz (Science Awards/ GÖCH Austria);
- Eric Gaigneaux Louvain (Prix Triennal de la Société Royale de Chimie/ Belgium);
- Reiner Salzer Dresden (Hanus Medal/ CSCH Czech Republic);
- György Keglevich (Károly Than Memorial Medal/ MKE Hungary);
- Huib Ovaa Amsterdam (KNCV Gold Medal Winner/ The Netherlands);
- Jacek Namiesnik (Jedrzej Sniadecki Medal/ PTChem Poland);
- Miguel Yus Alicante (Prémio Luso-Espanhol de Química/ SPQ Portugal);
- Xiaodong Zou Stockholm (Arrhenius Medal/ SK Sweden);
- Bernd Giese (Paracelsus Prize/ SCS Switzerland);
- Pavol Šajgalík (Daniel Belluš Medal/ SCHS Slovakia)
The ChemPubSoc Europe journals also supported chemists whose excellent work has been recognized at conferences, for example:
- Veronique Gouverneur, Oxford UK (EurJOC Inaugural Lecture at the ORCHEM 2012, Weimar);
- David Lunn from Paul Pringle’s Bristol group UK, Anika Kreienbrink from Evamarie Hey-Hawkins’s Leipzig Group Germany, and Yohan Contie from Antoine Baceiredo’s Toulouse Group France (EurJIC Best Oral Presentations at the European Workshop on Phosphorus Chemistry, Rennes);
- Falk Rohrbach from Günter Mayer’s Bonn Group Germany (ChemBioChem Poster Prize at the EMBO Chemical Biology Conference, Heidelberg);
- Rowan Leary from Paul Midgley’s Cambridge group, Filippo Cavalca from the Center of Electron Nanoscopy Lyngby, and Mehtap Özaslan from Peter Strasser’s Berlin group (ChemCatChem Poster Prizes at the EmCat 2012, Berlin);
- Katharina Weber from Wolfgang Lubitz’s Mülheim group, Claudia Heindl from Manfred Scheer’s Regensburg group and Samet Gülak from Axel Jacobi von Wangelin’s Regensburg group (ChemSusChem Poster Prizes at the FeUR 2012, Regensburg)
Brian Kobilka, 2012 Chemistry Nobel Prize winner, has published in our journals:
Recently: A New Class of Amphiphiles Bearing Rigid Hydrophobic Groups for Solubilization and Stabilization of Membrane Proteins
But also on the topic of the prize! Functional Immobilization of a Ligand-Activated G-Protein-Coupled Receptor
- Want personal access to your favorite ChemPubSoc Europe journal? Members of ChemPubSoc Europe societies are eligible for ultralow personal subscriptions. For just €98 (plus VAT) per journal, you’ll have online access for a whole year; for Chemistry – A European Journal that is over 17,000 pages!
- No institutional access to ChemPubSoc Europe journals? Ask your librarian to subscribe.
- ChemPubSoc Europe societies use the royalties from all our journals to support projects in their communities. For example, our Dutch colleagues at the KNCV award travel grants to members who have published in ChemPubSoc Europe journals. Your society will be able to tell you more about their activities and initiatives.
- One of our most established journals, the European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, is instigating a new international award for young researchers. Watch out for the announcement in ChemistryViews and start thinking about who might be a worthy prizewinner!
- ChemPubSoc Europe representatives will meet in Göteborg, Sweden at the end of May to discuss strategies and future projects. If you have any comments or suggestions about our journals, please contact your society to ensure your voice is heard.
- Also in Chemistry, open-access-mandates are multiplying. ChemPubSoc Europe offers members a discount on publication rates in our journal ChemistryOpen, and for a fee all ChemPubSoc Europe journals offer you the choice of immediate free access through OnlineOpen as soon as your article is published.
We would like to wish you a good finish to 2012 and an auspicious start in the New Year.
With best regards,
Francesco de Angelis
President for ChemSusChem,
ChemMedChem |
Christian Amatore
President for ChemPhysChem |
Wolfram Koch
President for Chemistry – A European
Journal, ChemBioChem, ChemPlusChem,
Chemistry Open |
Luis Oro
President for EurJIC, EurJOC,
ChemCatChem |
Visible-Light Harvesting with Cyclometalated Iridium(III) Complexes Having Long-Lived 3IL Excited States and Their Application in Triplet–Triplet-Annihilation-Based Upconversion
J. Sun, W. Wu, H. Guo, J. Zhao
Evolution and Synthetic Applications of the Heck–Matsuda Reaction: The Return of Arenediazonium Salts to Prominence
J. G. Taylor, A. V. Moro, C. R. D. Correia
Graphene-Encapsulated Fe3O4 Nanoparticles with 3D Laminated Structure as Superior Anode in Lithium Ion Batteries
J.-Z. Wang, C. Zhong, D. Wexler, N. H. Idris, Z.-X. Wang, L.-Q. Chen, H.-K. Liu
Mechanically Interlocked Molecules Assembled by pi-pi Recognition
G. Barin, A. Coskun, M. M. G. Fouda, J. F. Stoddart
Dual Enzyme-Triggered Controlled Release on Capped Nanometric Silica Mesoporous Supports
A. Agostini, L. Mondragón, C. Coll, E. Aznar, M. D. Marcos, R. Martínez-Máñez, F. Sancenón, J. Soto, E. Pérez-Payá, P. Amorós
Structure and Function of Mammalian DNA Methyltransferases
R. Z. Jurkowska, T. P. Jurkowski, A. Jeltsch
Contribution of Explicit Solvent Effects to the Binding Affinity of Small-Molecule Inhibitors in Blood Coagulation Factor Serine Proteases
R. Abel, N. K. Salam, J. Shelley, R. Farid, R. A. Friesner, W. Sherman
A Proton-Detected 4D Solid-State NMR Experiment for Protein Structure Determination
M. Huber, S. Hiller, P. Schanda, M. Ernst, A. Böckmann, R. Verel, B. H. Meier
Solar Water Splitting: Progress Using Hematite (α-Fe203) Photoelectrodes
K. Sivula, F. Le Formal, M. Grätzel
Recent Advances in the Catalytic Conversion of Cellulose
S. Van de Vyver, J. Geboers, P. A. Jacobs, B. F. Sels
Nanomaterials and Chocolate—An Interview with Luisa De Cola
Associated Title
Development of Fluorinated Benzothiadiazole as a Structural Unit for a Polymer Solar Cell of 7% Efficiency
H. Zhou, L. Yang, A. C. Stuart, S. C. Price, S. Liu, W. You
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