Teaser for Robert Grubbs's lecture at the Angewandte Festsymposium on Sept 11, 2017
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Angewandte Festsymposium: Robert Grubbs
Why Does Iodine Turn Starch Blue?
An explanation of the common experiment
What is Schrödinger's Cat?
Video illustrates the famous thought experiment
12 Tips for Referees
Some of the issues faced by reviewers, from the perspective of an editor's seat
Phil Baran on What Makes a Good Chemist
Phil Baran about his research and what makes a good chemist
Pharaoh's Snake Experiment
Create an alien tentacle snake
Lit Candle Covered With a Glass
What happens if you cover a lit candle in a water basin with a glass?
Where is the Heat of a Candle Flame?
With an experiment of Michael Faraday we examine where the heat of a candle is
Non-Innocent Ligands Give Transition Metals a Helping Hand
Stable radical complexes with divalent transition-metal Ions
TUM DeSal Challenge 2016: Team WUT Solar Tower
Team WUT Solar Tower explain their solar-powered distillation plant