An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Angewandte Chemie 5/2012: Lead Structures

More Time for Chemical Compliance Activities
According to survey most companies expect to expand their in-house regulatory compliance teams over the next five years

Tuning Up for Drug Release
A novel drug delivery mechanism based on polymeric meshes uses air as a barrier to control the rate at which drug is released

Efficient Microrectification Equipment
Microrectification apparatus for separation of liquid mixtures on the analytical and preparative scale can be operated intermittently or continuously

What Do Solvents Do?
Stereoselectively deuterated group can probe the behavior of solvent molecules during self-assembly processes

Graphitic Carbon Nanocapsules
Simple and high-yielding solid-state pyrolysis route for large-scale preparation of graphitic carbon nanocapsules (GCNs)

Plant Hormone Synthesis Pathway
Findings could prove fruitful for agricultural researchers attempting to improve crop robustness and productivity

Gold Promotes Green Coupling
Gold nanoparticles promote the aerobic oxidative coupling of amines to alcohols or aldehydes to make useful amides

Whisky Biofuel Production
Spin-out company aims to commercialize process for producing biofuel from whisky by-products

Controlling Nanotechnology
New approach to creating hierarchical polymer components on a surface for developing novel devices