New and simple procedure for cleaning nanoparticles removes organic contaminants without affecting size, shape, or structure

New Method for Cleaning Catalysts

About the Nonsense of Biofuels
How efficient is the production of biofuels from biomass and how should biomass be best utilized?

Merck to Sell Battery Electrolyte Activities to BASF
Merck has announced that it is selling its electrolytes business for high-performance batteries to BASF

Bioethanol Manufacturing Wastewater
Bioethanol distillery wastewater treated by using thermophilic microbial fuel cells (MFCs)

Stable Iron Nanoparticles as Contrast Agents
Iron nanoparticles with an iron oxide shell resist oxidation and maintain magnetic properties needed for biomedical applications

EU Innovation Growth Slowing
According to Innovation Union Scoreboard 2011 Sweden, Denmark, Germany, and Finland are EU’s innovation leader

Bert Meijer To Give TCR Lecture
Bert Meijer, Eindhoven University of Technology, will give The Chemical Record Lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan

Mapping Hidden Nanostructures
New method to map nanostructures within materials may lead to biological imaging of the internal organization of cells

Solar Energy Strategic Agreement
DuPont and Yingli Green Energy enter a $100 million strategic agreement

More Mercury In Fish
Connection between increasing pH in lake waters and bioavailability of mercury proposed