A rhodopsin protein mimic has been designed where wavelength absorption can be drastically tuned

Towards Understanding Color Perception

Happy Easter From ChemistryViews
ChemistryViews wishes all its readers a happy Easter and recommends some articles to get you in the Easter spirit

Angewandte Chemie 15/2012: Enlightenment
Overview of the current issue of Angewandte Chemie

Breakthrough in Fighting Chikungunya Fever
A step forward in enhancing pandemic preparedness against the infectious disease Chikungunya fever

New Route to Soluble Amidoborane Complexes
Several new synthetic routes to soluble magnesium parent-amidoborane complexes are reported

Removing As (V) from Water
Cactus mucilage and cactus pectin investigated as low cost material for arsenic removal

Ring Strain Restrains
In a nanohoop molecule, macrocyclic ring strain slows rotation of aryl units, leading to interconverting atropisomers

Field Trials With Genetically Optimized Potatoes
BASF Plant Science will again conduct field trials this year in Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands

Dow to Close Insulation Plants
Dow implements cost-reduction plans anticipates annual savings of approximately $250 million

New Phase of Hydrogen
New phase of hydrogen discovered in which the diatomic molecules break apart to form six-atom rings, similar to graphene