European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry (SusChem) plans to evolve into Europe-wide network

Europe-wide Network for Innovation in Chemical and Biotechnology Value Chain

SABIC Invests in China
SABIC invests US$100 million in new technology center in China

Novel Uranyl Organic Frameworks
Unusually small number of components forms giant unique anionic Uranyl Organic Frameworks (UOFs)

Science on Stage Festival
European teachers are invited to share good practice in science teaching and to discuss (new) ways of improving the quality of science lessons

New X-Ray Technique Improves Printable Eelectronics
X-ray technique gives new insight into how organic polymers can be used in printable electronics such as transistors and solar cells

Enzyme-dependent Cargo Release
Dual-enzyme responsive capped mesoporous silica particles allow a controlled delivery profile of the entrapped cargo

Brazilian European Patent Co-Operation
National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), Brazil, and European Patent Office (EPO) sign agreement to enhance co-operation

Conformational Analysis of Green Apple Flavor
Interesting method for future structure–odour studies to determine the lowest energy conformations of odorants and flavors

Amgen Acquires KAI Pharmaceuticals
Acquisition holds opportunity to potentially deliver novel therapy for chronic kidney disease patients on dialysis suffering from secondary hyperparathyroidism

Mechanically Interlocked Molecules
A large number of representative examples of mechanically interlocked molecules from the past decade have been described and discussed